Posts tagged veteran
Why Does Someone Need a Life Coach?
Life Coaches: How to Create Your First 5-Figure eCoach Course $$$$$
Trends in Life Coaching
Do you "Self Bully"?
SCREAMING CONGRATULATIONS to our newest Breakpoint Coaching Collective Certified Christian Life Coach Graduate: Coach Andree Cheree Long
Congratulates our FIRST eCoach Certification Graduate!

"I appreciated the flexibility to complete the program in a self-paced format. It allowed me the time to focus intently on the material when I was able to and move at a pace that meshed with my personal and professional commitments. The program was a great opportunity to reflect on my current knowledge, skills, & abilities, professional goals, and begin to plot out future plans to attain my objectives." Coach Joshua Mathews-Ailsworth

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Coaching in the midst of #cultural chaos!
How to Overcome the Impostor Syndrome

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome!

The term was coined by American psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes and is commonly understood as a false and sometimes crippling belief that one's successes are the product of luck or fraud rather than skill. Dr. [Sandra] Lyness said that high functioning/highly successful men and women were experiencing what she called an "impostor phenomenon," in which they come to believe that they are not as talented as their positions might suggest. (

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? For Christian Life Coaches this is VERY important!

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