10 steps to getting started as a Life Coach + 5 Bonus Steps

I get asked, often, how a person can get started as a Life Coach. So, I have compiled a list of ten steps I feel are important as well as a video outlining each one in more detail.

1.Say yes

2. Educate yourself

3. Identify your niche

4. Have you owned a business before?

5. Getting certified

6. Know what coaches do

·      Asks don't tell

·      Don't advise we ask

·      Don't offer ideas; we generate ideas by tapping into the client’s experieces

·      Don't present solutions they expand the client’s thinking

·      Don't give recommendations, they give the client the power to choose

7. Master your craft

8. Build your platform

9. Get consistent

10. Set your expectations

 Bonus step: Determine how you will start! More bonus tips on the video on my Youtube channel

YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/U9dkhQK9IGg

LIVE Q& A for Life Coaches!

You’re Invited!

Tea time w/ Dr. Patrice Live Q&A for Life Coaches

This coming Sunday April 19th from 7pm-9pm, eastern Friend, I am personally inviting you to join me for "tea time" this coming Sunday, April 19th for a LIVE Q&A!
Have a chance to ask ALL your questions about being a Life Coach, becoming one, getting started, training, ups and downs, pros and cons, making money, losing money and more!

REGISTER HERE: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cc4UwzvkSOOFTFNuGAeHuA